Welcome to django-query-profiler’s documentation!

Django query profiler is a profiler for Django applications, for helping developers answer the question “My Django code or page or API is slow, How do I find out why?”

Below are some of the features of the profiler:

  1. Shows code paths making N+1 sql calls: Shows the sql with stack_trace which is making N+1 calls, along with sql count
  2. Shows the proposed solution: If the solution to reduce sql is to simply apply a select_related or a prefetch_related, this is highlighted as a suggestion
  3. Shows exact sql duplicates: Count of the queries where (sql, parameters) is exactly the same. This is the kind of sql where implementing a query cache would help
  4. Flame Graph visualisation: Collects all the stack traces together to allow quickly identifying which area(s) of code is producing the load
  5. Command line or chrome plugin: The profiler can be called from command line via context manager, or can be invoked via a middleware, and output shown in a chrome plugin
  6. Super easy to configure in any application: The only changes are in settings.py file and in urls.py file

To get up and running quickly, install django-query-profiler, then read configuration, which describes the steps for configuring the profiler in your application

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